View Java Class Source Code in JAR file
- Download JD-GUI to open JAR file and explore Java source code file (.class .java)
- Click menu "File → Open File..." or just drag-and-drop the JAR file in the JD-GUI window tpch-1.0.jar file.
Once you open a JAR file, all the java classes in the JAR file will be displayed.
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.AbstractRandomInt.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.Customer.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.CustomerColumn.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.CustomerGenerator.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.Distribution.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.DistributionLoader.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.Distributions.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.GenerateUtils.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.LineItem.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.LineItemColumn.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.LineItemGenerator.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.Nation.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.NationColumn.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.NationGenerator.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.Order.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.OrderColumn.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.OrderGenerator.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.Part.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.PartColumn.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.PartGenerator.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.PartSupplier.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.PartSupplierColumn.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.PartSupplierGenerator.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RandomAlphaNumeric.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RandomBoundedInt.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RandomBoundedLong.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RandomInt.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RandomLong.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RandomPhoneNumber.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RandomString.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RandomStringSequence.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RandomText.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.Region.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RegionColumn.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.RegionGenerator.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.Supplier.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.SupplierColumn.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.SupplierGenerator.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.TextPool.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.TextPoolGenerator.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.TpchColumn.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.TpchColumnType.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.TpchColumnTypes.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.TpchEntity.class - [JAR]
├─ io.prestosql.tpch.TpchTable.class - [JAR]