
jpox-java5 : jpox-java5

Maven & Gradle

Mar 13, 2007

JPOX Java5 plugin · JPOX can be used with Java 5. This plugin adds on support for Java5 types.

Table Of Contents

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Download jpox-java5 : jpox-java5 JAR file - Latest Versions:

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Download jpox-java5 : jpox-java5 JAR file - All Versions:

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View Java Class Source Code in JAR file

  1. Download JD-GUI to open JAR file and explore Java source code file (.class .java)
  2. Click menu "File → Open File..." or just drag-and-drop the JAR file in the JD-GUI window jpox-java5-1.1.7.jar file.
    Once you open a JAR file, all the java classes in the JAR file will be displayed.


├─ org.jpox.store.mapping.EnumMapping.class - [JAR]


├─ org.jpox.annotations.jpa.Detachable.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.jpa.IdentityType.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.jpa.RequiresExtent.class - [JAR]


├─ org.jpox.annotations.Array.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Collection.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Column.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.DatastoreIdentity.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Discriminator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.DiscriminatorStrategyType.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Element.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Embedded.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Extension.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.FetchGroup.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.FetchGroups.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Field.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.FieldPersistenceModifier.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.ForeignKey.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.ForeignKeyAction.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.IdGeneratorStrategy.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.IdentityTypeValue.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Implements.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Index.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Inheritance.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.InheritanceStrategyType.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Join.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Key.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Map.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Order.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.PersistenceAware.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.PersistenceCapable.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.PrimaryKey.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Queries.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Query.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.QueryLanguage.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Sequence.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.SequenceStrategy.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Unique.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Value.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.Version.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.annotations.VersionStrategyType.class - [JAR]


├─ org.jpox.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.metadata.annotations.AnnotatedField.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManagerImpl.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.metadata.annotations.AnnotationObject.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.metadata.annotations.AnnotationReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.metadata.annotations.AnnotationUtils.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.metadata.annotations.JDOAnnotationReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.jpox.metadata.annotations.JPAAnnotationReader.class - [JAR]
