
org.dellroad : leveldb

Maven & Gradle

Nov 30, 2021
6 usages

Port of LevelDB to Java

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View Java Class Source Code in JAR file

  1. Download JD-GUI to open JAR file and explore Java source code file (.class .java)
  2. Click menu "File → Open File..." or just drag-and-drop the JAR file in the JD-GUI window leveldb-0.12.jar file.
    Once you open a JAR file, all the java classes in the JAR file will be displayed.


├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.AbstractReverseSeekingIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.AbstractSeekingIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.BasicSliceOutput.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.ByteBufferSupport.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.Closeables.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.DbIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.DynamicSliceOutput.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.FileUtils.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.Finalizer.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.IntVector.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.InternalIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.InternalTableIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.Level0Iterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.LevelIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.MergingIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.PureJavaCrc32C.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.SizeOf.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.Slice.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.SliceComparator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.SliceInput.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.SliceOutput.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.Slices.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.Snappy.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.TableIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.util.VariableLengthQuantity.class - [JAR]


├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.Block.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.BlockBuilder.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.BlockEntry.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.BlockHandle.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.BlockIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.BlockTrailer.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.BytewiseComparator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.CustomUserComparator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.FileChannelTable.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.Footer.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.MMapTable.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.Table.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.TableBuilder.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.table.UserComparator.class - [JAR]


├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Compaction.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.DbConstants.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.DbImpl.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.DbLock.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.FileChannelLogWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.FileMetaData.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Filename.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.InternalEntry.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.InternalKey.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.InternalKeyComparator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.InternalUserComparator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Iq80DBFactory.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Level.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Level0.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.LogChunkType.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.LogConstants.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.LogMonitor.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.LogMonitors.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.LogReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.LogWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Logs.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.LookupKey.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.LookupResult.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.MMapLogWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.MemTable.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.ReadStats.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.ReverseIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.ReverseIterators.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.ReversePeekingIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.ReverseSeekingIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.SeekingIterable.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.SeekingIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.SeekingIteratorAdapter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.SequenceNumber.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.SnapshotImpl.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.SnapshotSeekingIterator.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.TableCache.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.ValueType.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Version.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.VersionEdit.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.VersionEditTag.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.VersionSet.class - [JAR]

├─ org.iq80.leveldb.impl.WriteBatchImpl.class - [JAR]


Dependencies from Group

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Oct 03, 2015
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Oct 20, 2015
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Nov 05, 2020
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Nov 05, 2020
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Jul 16, 2018
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Jul 16, 2018
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301 stars