View Java Class Source Code in JAR file
- Download JD-GUI to open JAR file and explore Java source code file (.class .java)
- Click menu "File → Open File..." or just drag-and-drop the JAR file in the JD-GUI window gprof-0.3.1-groovy-2.0.jar file.
Once you open a JAR file, all the java classes in the JAR file will be displayed.
├─ groovyx.gprof.AdaptingExpandoMetaClass.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.CallFilter.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.CallInfo.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.CallInterceptor.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.CallMatcher.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.CallTree.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.MethodCallFilter.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.MethodCallInfo.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.MethodInfo.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.ProfileMetaClass.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.ProfileStaticExtension.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.Profiler.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.ProxyReport.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.Report.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.ReportElement.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.ReportNormalizer.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.ReportPrinter.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.ThreadInfo.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.ThreadRunFilter.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.ThreadRunInfo.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.Utils.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.callgraph.CallGraphReport.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.callgraph.CallGraphReportElement.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.callgraph.CallGraphReportMethodElement.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.callgraph.CallGraphReportNormalizer.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.callgraph.CallGraphReportPrinter.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.callgraph.CallGraphReportSpontaneousElement.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.callgraph.CallGraphReportThreadElement.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.callgraph.CallGraphReportWholeCycleElement.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.flat.FlatReport.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.flat.FlatReportMethodElement.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.flat.FlatReportNormalizer.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.flat.FlatReportPrinter.class - [JAR]
├─ groovyx.gprof.flat.FlatReportThreadElement.class - [JAR]