Infinispan Spring 4 support
· The Infinispan Spring Integration project provides Spring
integration for Infinispan, a high performance distributed cache.
Its primary features are
* An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager,
Spring's central caching abstraction, backed by Infinispan's
EmbeddedCacheManager. To be used if your Spring-powered
application and Infinispan are colocated, i.e. running within
the same VM.
* An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager
backed by Infinispan's RemoteCacheManager. To bes used if your
Spring-powered application accesses Infinispan remotely, i.e.
over the network.
* An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager
backed by a CacheContainer reference. To be used if your Spring-
powered application needs access to a CacheContainer defined
outside the application (e.g. retrieved from JNDI)
* Spring namespace support allowing shortcut definitions for all the
components above
In addition, Infinispan Spring Integration offers various FactoryBeans
for facilitating creation of Infinispan core classes - Cache, CacheManager,
... - within a Spring context.
Download JD-GUI to open JAR file and explore Java source code file (.class .java)
Click menu "File → Open File..." or just drag-and-drop the JAR file in the JD-GUI window infinispan-spring4-parent-9.4.24.Final.jar file.
Once you open a JAR file, all the java classes in the JAR file will be displayed.