Trails Example - Ajax List
· This example is currently broken because of a bug in Tacos 4.1.0 release. It's since fixed in 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT
(but we couldn't release 1.1 with snapshot dependencies.). This example needs a version where the following problem
is corrected:
The 4.1.0 release has a bug in "". The TemplateBindingFactory declaration is wrong, it is:
construct class="org.apache.tapestry.binding.TemplateBindingFactory"
when it should be:
construct class="net.sf.tacos.binding.TemplateBindingFactory"
Download JD-GUI to open JAR file and explore Java source code file (.class .java)
Click menu "File → Open File..." or just drag-and-drop the JAR file in the JD-GUI window ajaxlist-1.2.1.jar file.
Once you open a JAR file, all the java classes in the JAR file will be displayed.