DOC : road-parent

Maven & Gradle

May 20, 2020
4 stars

The Data Highway is a service that allows data to be easily landed and consumed via REST interfaces which accept and produce JSON messages. The data is first defined using a schema and a "road" is created which will accept data messages that conform to this schema. Producers of data sets thus only need to define the structure of their data and are then able to send their data to a REST endpoint and not be too concerned with what happens next. The Data Highway will ensure that this data is made available for downstream streaming consumption and also stored reliably in a "data lake" in the cloud for access by various end users.

Table Of Contents

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Download : road-parent Javadoc & API Documentation - Latest Versions:

How to open Javadoc JAR file in web browser

  1. Rename the file road-parent-6.0.21-javadoc.jar to
  2. Use your favourite unzip tool (WinRAR / WinZIP) to extract it, now you have a folder road-parent-6.0.21-javadoc
  3. Double click index.html will open the index page on your default web browser.

How to generate Javadoc from a source JAR?

Running the command javadoc:

javadoc --ignore-source-errors -encoding UTF-8 -sourcepath "road-parent-6.0.21-sources.jar" -d "road-parent-6.0.21-javadoc" -subpackages 
