io.github.drkunibar.netbeans : nb-quickopener

Maven & Gradle

Dec 26, 2023
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QuickOpener · <p>Sometimes while programming in NetBeans you want to explore a particular file that you are editing on the file system browser, or maybe launch a command in a terminal to do something with it.</p> <p>This plugins brings to your NetBeans six action, three of them always available and three of them available when the selected node has a file assiociated with it.<br/> In particular:<p><p><em>When the selection has a valid file</em></p> <ul> <li><strong>Open the default OS shell</strong> on the location of the file (or its folder) selected.</li> <li><strong>Open the file system browser</strong> on the location of the file (or its folder) selected.</li> <li><strong>Copy to the clipboard</strong> the path of the file selected.</li> </ul> <p><em>Always enabled:</em></p> <ul> <li><strong>Launch a shell command</strong> (with parameters, customizable on preferences)</li> <li><strong>FileSystem browser on any location</strong> (favorites, customizable on preferences)</li> <li><strong>Open a shell on any location</strong> (favorites, customizable on preferences)</li> </ul>

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Download io.github.drkunibar.netbeans : nb-quickopener Javadoc & API Documentation - All Versions:

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How to open Javadoc JAR file in web browser

  1. Rename the file nb-quickopener-1.3.0-javadoc.jar to
  2. Use your favourite unzip tool (WinRAR / WinZIP) to extract it, now you have a folder nb-quickopener-1.3.0-javadoc
  3. Double click index.html will open the index page on your default web browser.

How to generate Javadoc from a source JAR?

Running the command javadoc:

javadoc --ignore-source-errors -encoding UTF-8 -sourcepath "nb-quickopener-1.3.0-sources.jar" -d "nb-quickopener-1.3.0-javadoc" -subpackages