pl.project13.janbanery : janbanery

Maven & Gradle

May 09, 2011
9 stars

Janbanery - Fluent Kanbanery API Java Wrapper · Kanbanery ( is a simple but powerful Agile project management system, to be precise it focuses around the idea of Kanban, a somewhat near idea to SCRUM but with less strict rules. The heart of each Kanban flow is the Kanban board, IceBox and Archive - there are all easy accessible via this API. Janbanery wraps around the RESTful API delivered by Kanbanery while adding some more features like mass operations or filtering of results. In the end, it's very easy and pleasant to implement your own Kanbanery client be it on the desktop, mobile (android) or as for example Gradle / SBT script to take full advantage of kanbanery's features.

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Download pl.project13.janbanery : janbanery Javadoc & API Documentation - All Versions:

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How to open Javadoc JAR file in web browser

  1. Rename the file janbanery-1.2-javadoc.jar to
  2. Use your favourite unzip tool (WinRAR / WinZIP) to extract it, now you have a folder janbanery-1.2-javadoc
  3. Double click index.html will open the index page on your default web browser.

How to generate Javadoc from a source JAR?

Running the command javadoc:

javadoc --ignore-source-errors -encoding UTF-8 -sourcepath "janbanery-1.2-sources.jar" -d "janbanery-1.2-javadoc" -subpackages 
