com.ionic.cloudstorage : ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3

Maven & Gradle

Apr 18, 2019
4 stars

ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3 · Ionic Protect for AWS S3 Cloud Storage offers a simple way for developers building atop AWS S3’s Java SDK to invoke Ionic’s protection and policy functionality as data moves to and from the cloud storage. This addresses use cases such as migration from on-prem storage solutions, protecting data across multi-region or multi-cloud envrionments, applying granular cryptographic control, and more.

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Latest Version

Choose a version of com.ionic.cloudstorage : ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3 to add to Maven or Gradle - Latest Versions:

  • Latest Stable: 1.0.0

All Versions

Choose a version of com.ionic.cloudstorage : ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3 to add to Maven or Gradle - All Versions:

Version Vulnerabilities Updated

How to add a dependency to Maven

Add the following com.ionic.cloudstorage : ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3 maven dependency to the pom.xml file with your favorite IDE (IntelliJ / Eclipse / Netbeans):


How to add a dependency to Gradle

Gradle Groovy DSL: Add the following com.ionic.cloudstorage : ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3 gradle dependency to your build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.ionic.cloudstorage:ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3:1.0.0'

Gradle Kotlin DSL: Add the following com.ionic.cloudstorage : ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3 gradle kotlin dependency to your build.gradle.kts file:


How to add a dependency to SBT Scala

SBT Scala: Add the following com.ionic.cloudstorage : ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3 sbt scala dependency to your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "com.ionic.cloudstorage" % "ionic-for-aws-java-sdk-s3" % "1.0.0"
