io.github.markrileybot : geokey

Maven & Gradle

Jun 20, 2022
1 stars

geokey · # geokey K Dimensional Z-Order curve utils. [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Maven Central](]( ## Building ./gradlew build ## Gradle dependency See ## Using ### Use built in keys to make geohashes ```java import org.geokey.GeoKey; // Make a geo hash key String key = new GeoKey().setLatitude(48.669).setLongitude(-4.329).toString(); // "gbsuv7ztqzpts82uzfwq5e1bp" // parse a geo hash key GeoKey gk = new GeoKey("gbsuv7ztqzpts82uzfwq5e1bp"); ``` ### Make a special purpose K-Dimensional key ```java public class GeoTimeKey extends KDKey { private static final KDKeySpec spec = new KDKeySpec.Builder() .addDim(-180, 180, 1) .addDim(-90, 90, 1) .addDim(0, 1L << 62, 1) .setAlphabet(Alphabet.GEO_TIME_HASH) .build(); public GeoTimeKey() { super(spec); } public GeoTimeKey(String s) { super(spec, s); } public GeoTimeKey(byte[] s) { super(spec, s); } public GeoTimeKey setLatitude(double latitude) { set(1, latitude); return this; } public double getLatitude() { return super.get(1); } public GeoTimeKey setLongitude(double longitude) { set(0, longitude); return this; } public double getLongitude() { return super.get(0); } public GeoTimeKey setTime(long time) { set(2, time); return this; } public long getTime() { return (long) get(2); } } ```

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How to add a dependency to Maven

Add the following io.github.markrileybot : geokey maven dependency to the pom.xml file with your favorite IDE (IntelliJ / Eclipse / Netbeans):


How to add a dependency to Gradle

Gradle Groovy DSL: Add the following io.github.markrileybot : geokey gradle dependency to your build.gradle file:

implementation 'io.github.markrileybot:geokey:0.1.0'

Gradle Kotlin DSL: Add the following io.github.markrileybot : geokey gradle kotlin dependency to your build.gradle.kts file:


How to add a dependency to SBT Scala

SBT Scala: Add the following io.github.markrileybot : geokey sbt scala dependency to your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.markrileybot" % "geokey" % "0.1.0"
