
com.intel.qat : orc-core

Maven & Gradle

May 28, 2020
4 usages

ORC Core · The core reader and writer for ORC files. Uses the vectorized column batch for the in memory representation.

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View Java Class Source Code in JAR file

  1. Download JD-GUI to open JAR file and explore Java source code file (.class .java)
  2. Click menu "File → Open File..." or just drag-and-drop the JAR file in the JD-GUI window orc-core-1.5.1.jar file.
    Once you open a JAR file, all the java classes in the JAR file will be displayed.


├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.DecimalIdentity.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.DoubleIdentity.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.ListIdentity.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.LongIdentity.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.MapIdentity.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.MaskFactory.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.MaskProvider.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.NullifyMask.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.RedactMaskFactory.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.SHA256MaskFactory.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.StructIdentity.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.TimestampIdentity.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.mask.UnionIdentity.class - [JAR]


├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.BinaryTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.BooleanTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.ByteTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.CharTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.DateTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.Decimal64TreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.DecimalTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.DoubleTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.FloatTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.IntegerTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.ListTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.MapTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.StringBaseTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.StringTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.StructTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.TimestampTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.TreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.TreeWriterBase.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.UnionTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.VarcharTreeWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.WriterContext.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.writer.WriterImplV2.class - [JAR]


├─ org.apache.orc.BinaryColumnStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.BooleanColumnStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.ColumnStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.CompressionCodec.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.CompressionKind.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.DataMask.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.DataReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.DateColumnStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.DecimalColumnStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.DoubleColumnStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.FileFormatException.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.FileMetadata.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.InMemoryKeystore.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.IntegerColumnStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.MemoryManager.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.OrcConf.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.OrcFile.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.OrcProto.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.OrcUtils.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.PhysicalWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.Reader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.RecordReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.StringColumnStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.StripeInformation.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.StripeStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.TimestampColumnStatistics.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.TypeDescription.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.TypeDescriptionPrettyPrint.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.UnknownFormatException.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.Writer.class - [JAR]


├─ org.apache.orc.util.BloomFilter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.util.BloomFilterIO.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.util.BloomFilterUtf8.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.util.Murmur3.class - [JAR]


├─ org.apache.orc.impl.AcidStats.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.AircompressorCodec.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.BitFieldReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.BitFieldWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.BufferChunk.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.ColumnStatisticsImpl.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.ConvertTreeReaderFactory.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.DataReaderProperties.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.DirectDecompressionCodec.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.DynamicByteArray.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.DynamicIntArray.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.HadoopShimsFactory.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.InStream.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.IntegerReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.IntegerWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.MemoryManager.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.MemoryManagerImpl.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.OrcAcidUtils.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.OrcCodecPool.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.OrcIndex.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.OrcTail.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.OutStream.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.PhysicalFsWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.PositionProvider.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.PositionRecorder.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.PositionedOutputStream.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.QATCodec.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.ReaderImpl.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.RecordReaderImpl.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.RecordReaderUtils.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.RedBlackTree.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.RunLengthByteReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.RunLengthByteWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.RunLengthIntegerReader.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.RunLengthIntegerReaderV2.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.RunLengthIntegerWriter.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.RunLengthIntegerWriterV2.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.SchemaEvolution.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.SerializationUtils.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.SettableUncompressedStream.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.SnappyCodec.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.StreamName.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.StringRedBlackTree.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.TreeReaderFactory.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.WriterImpl.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.WriterInternal.class - [JAR]

├─ org.apache.orc.impl.ZlibCodec.class - [JAR]


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