DOC : shared-ldap-codec-standalone

Maven & Gradle

Oct 08, 2012
15 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Codec Standalone · This module was created to fix issue DIRSHARED-91 where the embedded Felix instance inside the default LdapCodecService implementation was making it very problematic to deploy the ldap-codec inside an RCP (OSGi) environment and hence Apache Directory Studio could not use it. This module is most likely temporary and will disappear once we are fully OSGi enabled. This module is a plain old jar, not a bundle to avoid accidental reuse as an OSGi module because it contains the version of the LdapCodecService that embeds Felix to make controls and extended ops pluggable in the codec.

Table Of Contents

Latest Version

Download : shared-ldap-codec-standalone Javadoc & API Documentation - Latest Versions:

How to open Javadoc JAR file in web browser

  1. Rename the file shared-ldap-codec-standalone-1.0.0-M13-javadoc.jar to
  2. Use your favourite unzip tool (WinRAR / WinZIP) to extract it, now you have a folder shared-ldap-codec-standalone-1.0.0-M13-javadoc
  3. Double click index.html will open the index page on your default web browser.

How to generate Javadoc from a source JAR?

Running the command javadoc:

javadoc --ignore-source-errors -encoding UTF-8 -sourcepath "shared-ldap-codec-standalone-1.0.0-M13-sources.jar" -d "shared-ldap-codec-standalone-1.0.0-M13-javadoc" -subpackages 
