smart-stage-archetype · A Maven Archetype for creating smart-stage projects
smart-stage-archetype · A Maven Archetype for creating smart-stage projects
OpenXava Archetype in Spanish · Archetype for creating a new OpenXava project in Spanish
OpenXava Archetype · Archetype for creating a project management application based on OpenXava
OpenXava CRM Archetype in Spanish · Archetype for creating a simple CRM application based on OpenXava in Spanish
OpenXava CRM Archetype · Archetype for creating a simple CRM application based on OpenXava
aiSSEMBLE::Foundation::Archetype · Defines a root level project archetype that can then have pipeline archetypes added to it
yimi-spring-boot-archetype · yimi-spring-boot archetype
OpenXava Archetype in Spanish · Archetype for creating a new OpenXava project with a Detail-Master initial model in Spanish
OpenXava Archetype · Archetype for creating a new OpenXava project with a Detail-Master initial model
Archetype - base-project · Maven archetype which generates a Maven simple Java project intended for the Object-Oriented Programming courses @ polito.it
java21-spring-boot3-rest-api-jpa-h2-archetype · Skeleton for Java 21 Spring Boot 3 REST API with JPA project.
Spring Boot Template · A robust skeleton for Spring Boot applications, with sensible defaults for Lombok, code formatting, testing, and error detection.
Archetype - Turbine 6.0 WebApp · This archetype sets up a web application project based on Apache Turbine 6.x and Torque 5.2.x
eu.europa.ec.itb:template-test-service · Maven archetype for the generation of a GITB-compliant test service application.
kata-archetype · A simple project for getting started with code katas