Top Trends Libraries for Java
Jackson · Jackson is a high-performance JSON processor (parser, generator)
Apache Commons Email · Apache Commons Email aims to provide an API for sending email. It is built on top of the JavaMail API, which it aims to simplify.
jersey-core-server · Jersey core server implementation
graphql-spring-boot · GraphQL Spring Framework Boot
GMetrics · The GMetrics project provides calculation and reporting of size and complexity metrics for Groovy source code.
hutool-all · Hutool是一个小而全的Java工具类库,通过静态方法封装,降低相关API的学习成本,提高工作效率,使Java拥有函数式语言般的优雅,让Java语言也可以“甜甜的”。
Lombok Maven Plugin · Maven Plugin for Project Lombok
Old JAXB Runtime · Old JAXB Runtime module. Contains sources required for runtime processing.
AWS Java SDK for AWS Secrets Manager · The AWS Java SDK for AWS Secrets Manager module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Secrets Manager Service
Jackson-dataformat-XML · Data format extension for Jackson to offer alternative support for serializing POJOs as XML and deserializing XML as pojos.
Liquibase · Liquibase is a tool for managing and executing database changes.
spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch · Starter for using Elasticsearch search and analytics engine and Spring Data Elasticsearch
spring-boot-autoconfigure · Spring Boot AutoConfigure
jersey-bundle · A bundle containing code of all jar-based modules that provide JAX-RS and Jersey-related features. Such a bundle is *only intended* for developers that do not use Maven's dependency system. The bundle does not include code for contributes, tests and samples.
- Trends
- Latest
- Usages
- Job Scheduling
- Dependency Injection
- Code Analysis
- Configuration
- Microservice
- Bytecode Manipulation
- Networking
- Caching
- Mocking
- Machine Learning
- Database
- Security & Crypto
- Template Engine
- Search
- Collections
- PaaS
- Code Coverage
- Web Frameworks
- Processes
- Date and Time
- HTTP Clients
- Web Crawling
- Monitoring
- Performance Analysis
- Reactive
- Science
- Logging
- REST Frameworks