Latest Plugin Updates
flyway-validator-maven-plugin · Maven plugin to fail a build when duplicate flyway revises are found.
Eclipse Smarthome Constants generator Maven Plugin · This Maven plugin generates a Java constant class based on the ESH-INF folders XML content
violation-comments-to-gitlab-maven-plugin · Maven plugin that comments GitLab with results from static code analysis.
Lifecycle Helper Maven Plugin · A Maven 3.x plugin to inspect the lifecycle of your project. The plugin provides goals aimed at helping to inspect your project lifecycle phases and if a plugin-goal is executed and when. It includes the ability to list all plugin-goal mapping to executed phases and group the execution plan result by lifecycle/phases/plugin/goal
Plugin Code for Apache Maven and TIBCO BusinessWorks™ · Plugin Code for Apache Maven and TIBCO BusinessWorks™. This is the Maven Plugin for BW6 and BWCE Build.
duplicate-finder-maven-plugin Maven Mojo · The Maven duplicate-finder plugin provides goals to check the various maven scoped classpaths (compile, runtime, test) for duplicate classes and resources.
Asciidoctor Maven Plugin and Doxia Parser · Asciidoctor Maven Plugin and Doxia Parser (for Maven Site integration)
DragonZone :: Deployable POM Maven Plugin · Maven Plugin for resolving CI-Friendly properties before deploying pom.xml files
Truststore Maven Plugin · Maven plugin generating truststores in multiple formats
BuildTools Maven Plugin · This plugin provides several goals that can be used in a build pipline, e.g. to handle changelog validation and publishing, to handle site publishing, to enforce requirements to parent POM or to generate checksum files for the created artifacts. This plugin is used in and optimized for the Hottbox Build Pipeline.
Directory Maven Plugin · Provides goals to discover various paths based on the projects currently building. For example, directory of the execution root project, directory of a given project (based on groupId/artifactId), and highest project basedir that hasn't been resolved from the repository.
oga-maven-plugin · Old GroupIds Alerter - a Maven plugin that checks for deprecated groupId + artifactId couples.
dryuf-executable-jar-maven-plugin · Maven plugin for creating executable jar files.
APILyzer Maven Plugin · A Maven plugin for analyzing types used by a declared public API
dart-sass-maven-plugin Maven Mojo · A Maven plugin that allows to compile SASS using Dart Sass
Git Commit Id Maven Plugin · This plugin makes basic repository information available through maven resources. This can be used to display "what version is this?" or "who has deployed this and when, from which branch?" information at runtime, making it easy to find things like "oh, that isn't deployed yet, I'll test it tomorrow" and making both testers and developers life easier. See
GMavenPlus Plugin · Integrates Groovy into Maven projects.
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